
  • basketry exhibition poster rescuing reviving retaining ruthin craft centre

    Basketry: Rescuing, Reviving, Retaining Exhibition

    Sarah's replica of the Skye Ose basket and one of her Indigo Ose baskets are part of this touring exhibition that showcases the designs, skills and techniques of traditional basketry in the British Isles. Ruthin Craft Centre, Denbighshire 28th Sept ‘24 - 12th Jan ‘25. Harley Gallery, Nottinghamshire 12th April - 29th June ‘25

  • Craft Festival 6th - 8th June '25

    Sarah is delighted to announce that she will be exhibiting her willow basketry, feature lighting and chair seating at the Craft Festival on the 6th - 8th June ‘25.

    This is the third consecutive year that Sarah has been invited to showcase her work at this major craft event. Sarah will be among 200 of the top contemporary craft makers in the UK.

    Craft Festival is held at Bovey Tracey in Devon and hosts over 10,000 visitors during this three day event. More details will be available nearer the time.

    Feature image is of Sarah’s Craft Festival ‘24 display.
