The Times Newspaper - News in pictures: Friday July 19, 2024

The Times Newspaper – News in pictures: Friday July 19, 2024

Our  rush harvesting group on Tuesday 16th July also made it into The Times newspaper!

Wonderful photo of all of us on the riverbank proudly holding rush bundles.

The Times accompanying text states, ‘Members of the Basketmakers’ Association travel from all over the UK to take part in rush harvesting on the River Isle in the Somerset Levels. The group wade into the water in wetsuits and use a sickle to cut the freshwater plants.’

Thank you again to Zack Culpin at Bournemouth News & Picture Service for his brilliant photography.

This photo really captures how much we all enjoy this harvest.  It’s hard work in the river, but the banter and being so immersed in nature make it an absolute pleasure.  I love how my dog Bean is also now an honorary Basketmakers’ Association member.  I’ll next get her weaving for me….