Summer MailChimp Newsletter 16/6/24

Summer MailChimp Newsletter 16/6/24

Having been incredibly busy for the past month with Craft Festival and teaching I have now finally been able to release my latest newsletter that contains my new latest news and September – December ’24 workshop dates.  Below you will find my Event & News content from this newsletter.

Remember, to be among the first to hear about my latest workshops, events and other news you are always more than welcome to sign up to my MailChimp newletter, either click the link here or heading to my website contact page.

Thank you for reading!  Sarah X


Event & News: On the 7th – 9th June I took part in my 2nd Craft Festival, Devon.  Thank you to those of you who came to say hello, purchase my baskets and enjoy the festival.  It truly is the best craft show this country has to offer and I’m so blessed to be a local!  Just prior to the Craft Festival I experienced amazing media coverage.  I’m featured as this June’s ‘Meet The Maker’ in Period Living Magazine, as well as in the spring / summer edition of Devon Home magazine.  You may also catch me on Unwind with ITV1, providing meditative weaving into the wee small hours!

Website Revamp:
It’s been such a busy spring that my goal of creating a new online shop and streamline workshop bookings on my website is yet to be achieved, but exciting developments mean that this will soon finally become reality.  Meanwhile, when uploading my website pages they will appear, though you may have to be a little more patient.  Also when booking workshop places, if for any reason you are uncertain that your completed booking form has reached me, please do also send me a quick email to Thank you for your understanding!

Workshops: As well as teaching this Autumn at RHS Rosemoor and for the Somerset Rural Life Museum in Galstonbury, I will be teaching 12 workshops at my main lovely venue at Chevithorne, just outside Tiverton in Devon.  Whether you’re a willow weaving newbie or wish to hone your basket making skills I’ve designed a workshop for you. One day workshops £105, two day workshops £175, with gift vouchers also available (email to purchase gift vouchers).  Price includes all materials and refreshments.  The nearby Lost Kitchen restaurant provide us with a delicious lunch at an additional cost.  Places are limited to 8 people per workshop. 9.30am – 5.45pm and are held at Chevithorne EX16 7PU (15 minutes from J27 of the M5).  For full details and to book please scroll down.

I look forward to teaching you, your friends and family soon.

Best wishes, Sarah
instagram: sarah_le_breton

Images below from top: Craft Festival; Myself with Twisted ‘B’ Basket £95, available in website shop; ‘Teaching assistant’ Bean at Ose Basket workshop; New Large Log Basket £255, available in website shop.