Out of the workshop.... (It will take me longer to respond to your bookings and emails)

Out of the workshop for a month…. (It will take me longer to respond to your bookings and emails) 27/7/24

From the 28th July until the end of August I will firstly be taking a well earned campervan break in Cornwall with my girls and then I’m fortunate enough to be attending the Tear Up Basketry Festival followed by further basketry training.

During this time I will not be able to respond daily to booking enquiries and emails, but I will get back to you as soon as I can do.  If you enquiry is urgent please call me on 07905 342091.

For me the last 12 months has been a really tough one health wise and having to keep working full time.  I can’t however contemplate not being a basketmaker, not following my purpose in life, not carrying this craft form into the future.  It’s definitely challenging, especially when months pass in a fog where self belief eludes you and your body screams ‘enough’!  So it is finally time for me to begin restoring myself, to go spend time in nature and be among my own tribe.  Thank you for your continuing support, you inspire me as much as I inspire you! Sarah X