Meet The Maker - Period Living Magazine June '24

Meet The Maker – Period Living Magazine June ’24

I’ve been very fortunate to be featured as June ’24’s Meet The Maker in Period Living Magazine.

It’s such a great boost for me and judging by the amount of shop sales, commission and workshop enquiries that I’ve had over the last couple of weeks, (all in the run up to my exhibiting again at the Craft Festival 7th – 9th June at Bovey Tracey in Devon), I’ve got even busier times ahead!

All I’ve ever wanted to do for my craft form is to increase the recognition and value of traditional basketry techniques, especially of those from where I live in South West England.  I love to be inspired by heritage baskets and evolve them for modern living.  It’s amazing to be on this journey and have my efforts and craftsmanship not only noticed but applauded. Sarah X