Crafters rush in - Feature Photo in The Sunday Telegraph Newspaper 21st July '24

Crafters rush in – Feature Photo in The Sunday Telegraph Newspaper 21st July ’24
Crafters rush in – Yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph newspaper featured on page 4 a great huge photo of Basketmakers’ Association members harvesting rush in Somerset.
The caption beneath reads ‘Members of the Basketmakers’ Association bring their freshly harvested rush to the banks of the Isle on the Somerset Levels under the watchful eye of Bean the dog. Heritage craftspeople travel from all over the UK to take part in the ancient tradition, using a sickle to cut the freshwater plants. The rushes will be used to weave baskets, chair seats and other artworks.’
A big thank you to photographer Zack Culpin for this great action shot. To Brigitte and Gavin at Cane Corner who annually organise days of harvesting, enabling us crafters to get our hands on this precious material and of course a big cuddle to my rescue dog Bean who herded her wetsuited flock brilliantly!
Rather topically, the article below our great photo was an interview with new Environmental Secretary Steve Reed talking about the current state of our rivers, lakes and seas. The Somerset Levels is such a fragile ecosystem, from which we have gratefully and sustainably harvested both rush and willow for thousands of years. It’s not that I just want a future where generations to come can swim in clean unpolluted rivers, I want a future where generations to come will be able to source and harvest material so that they too can continue the oldest craft form in the world…